Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Flossy's Poem

After reading lots of good things about Galore Park's So You Really Want to Learn Junior English i decided to take the plunge and purchase Book 2 to round out our Language Arts.  This book is designed for children who are 8 years +, generally year 3 in the UK where the book is used in prep schools.  Flossy has made a start and as we are tag teaming a number of writing curricula we are not very far in (still Chapter 1), but i am already seeing lovely results.

Today her assignment was -

Write a poem in which the word 'SNOWFLAKE' appears down the left hand side and each letter begins the first word of each line.  This is called an acrostic poem.

Then a short example was given.

Here is Flossy's (un-edited) acrostic poem.

Snow hear it fall softly
Now it blows swirling in the air
Oh hear the blizzard blow
We huddle by the fire waiting
Flakes of snow dance by the window
Lakes freeze as the snow falls on top
An owl swoops past on diamond wings
Keen to return to its chicks
Evermore the snow seems to fall

I really love the imagery she has created in this poem.  Considering she has never experienced snow she's done a lovely job.



  1. she has indeed done a wonderful job :-)

  2. Well done Flossy! That's terrific. I've not heard of this curriculum, so I'll be interested to see if you like it :)


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